More than a year after the deaths of Tony and Leila Lewis, no official cause of the fire has been determined. Lyrics, Meaning & Videos: Brazy Shit, Dead People, That's the Intro, Under Pressure, 223, Yellow, That's the Intro 'Freestyle', New Body, HoneyKomb Brazy, Brazy Story, Marco, Mind of a RN 'Boosie Flow', Soulja Life Mentality 'Soulja Flow', D. “A likely scenario is that the gunfire resulted in the explosion of an oxygen tank, which in turn would have caused the explosion of other oxygen tanks in the house, which would lead to the fire,” Walker explained. However, Chambers told officials that Lewis and Watkins pulled the triggers while he was in the car. Prosecutors, who discovered two types of ammunition at the scene of the house fire, believe that two people are responsible for the gunshots that erupted in the house fire that killed HoneyKomb’s grandparents. They don’t realize what they took from us,” Letecha Lang, the niece of HoneyKomb Brazy’s grandparents, said. They had no remorse for human life at all. “It was very gruesome, no one deserved, no one, not just because it was my family, but no one deserved to be treated like that.
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“I think anyone in that house would have been a target of this attack,” Watkins said. LYRICS Music Video HoneyKomb Brazy - Dead People feat. According to prosecutors, the post angered Watkins, who hatched a plant to “hurt Jones,” and decided to hone in on his family’s home as a target. Walker alleges that the fatal house fire that killed Tony and Leila Lewis stemmed from a Facebook post from Peezy, who was an associate of the couple’s grandson.