I get zaccaria to launch just wont open the specific table at the moment. Working on getting it to launch from pinballx. La lista dei flipper danneggiati è elencata sopra. Just wanted to make sure I wasnt looking at the wrong file. Ogni donazione, anche se piccola, è molto importante. Ci vorrà tempo ma sono sicuro che ci riusciremo. Il valore complessivo dei flipper è altissimo ma voglio raggiungere una buona cifra per ricostruire il suo laboratorio e acquistare i pezzi di ricambio per riportare in vita i suoi profetti. Ancora più importante è salvare la sua grande passione che non deve spegnersi. Note: Windowed Mode Display Mode must be used. Sono qui per aiutarlo a ripartire, questi flipper sono storia e non devono andare persi. In steam, you want to right-click on Zaccaria Pinball (in steam library and select properties) and set the launch parameter like this: You will then run Zaccaria via steam and configure it. Qualche flipper si trova ancora in un magazzino non raggiungibile, nessuna delle sue sedi è stata risparmiata dall'acqua. 20 flipper sono stati completamente sommersi, altri 11 flipper in una location "sicura" sono stati coperti per metà altezza (disposti verticalmente) e migliaia di pezzi di ricambio sono sparsi ovunque sotto centimetri di fango. Il suo laboratorio al piano terra è stato devastato da acqua e fango. Purtroppo quella notte i suoi sogni sono stati infranti. Last year he was invited to Chicago Pinball expo and brought a beautiful restored Getaway pinball with him, everyone was impressed with the quality work. In the last years he specialized in high end restoration making friends all over the world. He is very passionate especially for pinball machines, knows every parts and loves to restore them to perfection. Ivan is in the coin op business since he was little, his passed father started this activity. People needed to be rescued by boat or helicopters.

The water reached a height of more than 4 meters flooding two stories houses almost completely. Redux Pinball is now available in Zaccaria Pinball As of today December 17, the POSTAL Redux Pinball Pack is available on the Steam store. That night this river burst the bank and flooded violently all of the surronding area. My friend Ivan Cicognani lives in Forlì, right next to the river Montone. A lot of people lost their homes, cars, activities and sadly some lost their lives too. Slightly less so with VPX because of the 'live fix' feature where you can use the flipper and magnasave buttons to make the adjustments. It's only really most painful when one's doing an initial setup of a pincab with VP on it.
Almost every single river overflow and caused bilions of euro in damages in the cities close to the rivers. Unfortunately, that means Pro Pinball is technically the outlier here. As many as you know on the 17th of May we had a devastating flood in all of our region Emilia-Romagna. I'm Giorgio and I live in Faenza (RA) Italy.